For our annual Thespian Banquet last year I dressed up as a zombie. With only an hour to prepare here was my final makeup:
First I did my foundation a little paler than usual, slowly adding a bright and a dark red from Ben Nye's Severe Exposure wheel. 
I layered lots of red around my eyes and used a stipple sponge to add some broken capillaries. I also did added black and red to my collar bones and neck to add depth and dimension.
I colored my lips red and added fresh scab to my lip. I then added a prosthetic to my cheek with spirit gum and added some foundation and fresh scab around the prosthetic to blend in. 
Finally I cut a slit in a wife beater and added fake blood to the open area. 
That's it!

If I had more time I would have....
  • Made my skin more green and yellowy
  • added a prosthetic to the cut rib
  • Cut up the shirt more 

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